Friday, September 5, 2014

We are more than just a woman

Picture: Rudecactus
I started this blog because I grew a bit fed up with various rules and injunctions on how we, females, should go about being females. Woman, mother, professional, friend, wife, girlfriend, we can be so many things. I also believe there is no right or wrong way to be a female. And that we deserve to be considered as normal human beings whatever path we choose.

One big issue for me is gender equality. I don't see why we should be treated differently because we are women. Or why men should not be able to choose their way of being men. In that sense I'm a feminist and I would love if more people understand it is not a bad word.

Over the years I have also witnessed the Mummy War and could only notice how it does not serve the fight for gender equality. By focusing on right vs wrong way to be a mother we forget what is the most important to me: that women should be able to choose.

As a mother I want my kids to grow up in a world where they both have equal chances. If, let's say, my daughter wants to be a fire fighter and my son wants to paint his nails, I don't see why it should be an issue. That's something I think about a lot: how do I raise my kids so they feel safe being who they are however they want. And so they accept other people as they are.

Something else I'm very passionate about is how to not let our mother job get the best of us so it allows us to keep being just... people. These past years I went through some rough times and as I emerge finally truly myself I now know I need to take care of all these aspects of me. I'm also a professional, a wife, a lover, a friend, a citizen...

Getting everything in balance is an on going process and hard work. It is so much easier when we can share our experiences with our peers. This is what I want to do here on this blog. Write about these all important topics and hopefully get to discuss with my readers. All are welcome, even men!

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